address:Calzada Andrés Serra Rojas y Libramiento Norte Oriente s/n El Retiro, Tuxtla Gutiérrez
hallname:Tuxtla Gutiérrez Conventions Center
sponsor:Development of Mexican Aquaculture
contact details
name:Steve Reynolds
telephone:+ 210.298-8824 or (52) 1 331 398 8824
fax: (01800)712-8177
details info
The 8th Annual FIACUI event will generate contacts and relationships between suppliers, Research Centers, Public Entities and aquaculture producers. Through the exchange of state-of-the-art technology and information the goal is to establish a meeting place for this industry.
FIACUI presents the 1st Annual World Economic Forum on Tilapia Aquaculture Production and the Workshop, Let's learn Aquaculture from Other People's Experiences. For more information about this events, visit our conference