teabag fannings, powder black tea fannings, powder green tea
date:Jul 20, 2022
model:gunpowder green tea
standard:chong qing
Delivery time:3days
company:Sichuan Hua Yi Tea Industry Co., LTD
send:click send
name:Simon He(Mr.)
adress:No. 3, Mucheng Town, Jiajiang County, Leshan, Sichuan

Mobile/Wechat/Whatsapp: 86-13438739101
Email: 372280478@qq.com

Fannings are grainy particles of tea leaves ( 1- 1.5mm) with coarse texture that are sorted out during manufacture of high grade teas and used in tea bags. Fannings with extremely particles are called dusts. Popular grades of Fanning tea are Golden Orange Fannings (GOF), Flowery Orange Fannings (FOF), Broken Orange Pekoe Fannings (BOPF ) and Flowery Broken Orange Pekoe Fannings (FBOPF). Fanning teas are used in tea stalls in India
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