city:Ho Chi Minh City
address: 799 Nguyen Van Linh, Tan Phu Ward, Dist 7. HoChiMinh City,Vietnam
hallname:Saigon Exhibition & Convention Centre
sponsor:World Aquaculture Society-Asia Pacific Chapter
contact details
name:Sales Manager
telephone:+32 9233 4912
details info
Asian-Pacific Aquaculture 2013 will have a special Farmers Day with the latest in practical knowledge or the Vietnam aquaculture producers. Technical program covers the all aspects of aquaculture in Vietnam as well as Southeast Asia. The World Oyster Society will hold its 5th Oyster Symposium with Asian Pacific Aquaculture 2013 in the same location. Registration for Asian Pacific Aquaculture 2013 will include attendance to this 5th Symposium.
After the first successful meeting in 2007, Asian-Pa