EI Xamfra Mercat Brut, Cava from Penedes
date:Jan 18, 2013
brand:L/C, T/T
Delivery time:15days
company:Dashangel International S.L.
send:click send
name:Angel Alonso(Mr.)
adress:Dashangel International S.L. Berástegui 4, 1º 48001 – Bilbao SPAIN

Cava is a Spanish sparkling wine of Denominación de Origen (DO) status, most of which is produced in Catalonia. It may be white or rosé. The macabeu, parellada and xarel·lo are the most popular and traditional grape varieties for producing cava.

Mercat Brut
Only wines produced in the traditional method (méthode champenoise) may be labelled cavas, those produced by other processes may only be called vinos espumosos (sparkling wines).
About 95% of all cava is produced in the Penedès area
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