danish pastries
date:Jan 04, 2013
model:danish pastries
brand:L/C, T/T
Delivery time:15days
company:Oakrun Farm Bakery
send:click send
name:Oakrun Farm(Mr.)
adress:58 Carluke Road West Ancaster, Ontario L9G 3L1, Canada

danish pastries

Who can resist the moist, sweet tasting coffeehouse Danish pastries made by our Oakrun bakers.

Our premium Danish pastries are made with over 50 layers of sweet dough, chock-full with real fruit and cheese fillings, baked golden and then finished with a generous ribboning of white sugar icing glaze.

We offer a variety of popular crowd-pleasing traditional and seasonal flavours. Beautifully presented, choose from circular ring shaped Danish, coffee cakeorstrip Danish, mini ve
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