Chocolate Block Dark 64 - Bittersweet
date:Dec 06, 2012
model:Chocolate Block Dark 64 - Bittersweet
brand:L/C, T/T
Delivery time:15days
company:American Roland Food Corporation
send:click send
name:Ron Ledvina(Mr.)
adress:71 West 23rd Street - New York, NY, USA
post code:10010

Chocolate Block Dark 64 - Bittersweet
Roland Belgian Extra Dark Chocolate(64%) Blocks are exceptional quality. The percentage of chocolate liquor is an important aspect when selling dark chocolate. The higher the percentage of chocolate liquor the more chocolate flavor that exists. Product is

In order to maintain Roland Chocolate in optimum condition, the product should be stored away from light at temperatures between 64-68 degrees, at a relative humidity less than 60%.
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