SABLE FISH / BLACK COD (Anoplopoma Fimbria)
date:Nov 30, 2012
model:SABLE FISH / BLACK COD (Anoplopoma Fimbria)
brand:L/C, T/T
Delivery time:15days
company:Gold River Seafood Ltd.
send:click send
name:Maggie Wen(Mr.)
adress:#302-10252 City Parkway, Surrey B.C. V3T 4C2 Canada

SABLE FISH / BLACK COD (Anoplopoma Fimbria)

Other Names:Black Cod, Butterfish.

Availability: Year Round.

Depth of Catch:80 to 1,000 fathoms (480 to 6,000 feet).

Sablefish feed on fish, worms and crustaceans. They live over soft ocean bottoms in deep water from the Bering Sea to Isla Cedros, Baja California. These streamlined fish are slate black to a greenish color on the top surface, shading to lighter gray on the belly. They range up to 40 pounds, but average approximately
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