ALBACORE TUNA (Thunnus Alalunga)
date:Nov 30, 2012
model: ALBACORE TUNA (Thunnus Alalunga)
brand:L/C, T/T
Delivery time:7days
company:Gold River Seafood Ltd.
send:click send
name:Maggie Wen(Mr.)
adress:#302-10252 City Parkway, Surrey B.C. V3T 4C2 Canada

ALBACORE TUNA (Thunnus Alalunga)

Other Names:Longfin, Albie, Pigfish, Pacific Albacore.

Availability: May to September.

Depth of Catch:2,000 to 5,000 fathoms.

Long pectoral fins, which reach to behind the anus and by their dark blue backs and blue-grey flanks and belly. Due to its white colored meat albacore is also called the chicken of the sea. As canned products it is quite popular in the States, where it is marketed as White Tuna. The meat has a somewhat dry texture, and
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