Italian fresh pasta
date:Nov 29, 2012
model:Italian fresh pasta
brand:L/C, T/T
Delivery time:7days
company:Gusti d'Italia srl
send:click send
name:Simone Debernardi(Mr.)
adress:Via Torino, 11 10028 – Trofarello (TO) – ITALY

Italian fresh pasta
Dear friend, wed like to introduce the fresh pasta in our catalogue.
Italian fresh pasta is famous all over the world. Fresh pasta dough can be made with eggs such as ravioli, tortellini, tagliatelle, pappardelle, fettuccine,orwithout using eggs, as for orecchiette, fusilli , trofie, cavatelli .

Every Italian region has its own recipes and we propose fresh pasta produced in Piemonte:
Stuffed pasta: tortellini, agnolotti, cappellacci, ravioli, tortelloni,
Fresh pasta: gnocch
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