Bone Glue in pearl
date:Nov 22, 2012
model:Bone Glue
brand:L/C, T/T
Delivery time:15days
company:Hangzhou union Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
send:click send
name:Mandy Gao(Ms.)
adress:Room 705, D Bldg., Longshen-Cambridge Commune, Xihu Dist. , Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China

- bone glue is made from animal skinorbone, used for sanitionary,carton,paper etc as adhesive
- 250bloom to 500bloom at 12.%
- bone glue (animal glue) is made from animal skinorbone
- used for sanitionary,carton,paper,match etc as adhesive
- 250bloom to 500bloom at 12.% solution

1) Industrial bone gelatin use:
A) Often used for making fodder, quality abrasive paper of gauze, polished
Cloth, black glue, rubber packing, handicraft adhesive card, wooden furniture,
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