Corrugated Cardboard Making Machine-Corrugating Machines
date:Mar 01, 2017
Delivery time:3days
company:Hebei Shengli Carton Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd
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name:joey zhng(Mr.)
adress:Hebei Shengli Carton Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd

As is known,corrugated cardboard, of the type normallyused for boxes or miscellaneous packaging, is produced onspecialcorrugating machines: The sheets of cardboard arefed to thecorrugating machinepacked tightly betweenrespective cylinder-operated supporting/conveying belts,and are subjected to the combined action of heating assemblies and pressure plates for gluing and shaping the variouslayers forming thecorrugated cardboard.
On known machines, the belts supporting and conveyingthe cardboard sh
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