address:Seaport World Trade Center and Seaport Hotel 200 Seaport Boulevard Boston, MA 02210, USA
hallname:Seaport World Trade Center and Seaport Hotel
sponsor:FMR Corp
contact details
name:Cynthia Moriarty
telephone:+11 617-385-5027
details info
Boston Wine Expo Information-
Your Admission To The Boston Wine Expo Includes:
As you walk into the Grand Tasting, you receive the famed Boston Wine Expo souvenir glass that is yours to keep.
You will also receive a 4-color glossy magazine outlining all the exhibitors that are present and where to locate them, celebrity chef demos and guided tastings/seminars along with other show facts. Theres room in the magazine to take notes on the wines that you taste at the Expo.
Access to wine samp