Masala Appalam
date:Feb 27, 2014
company: Amma's Foods
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name:P.Vembu Nathan(Mr.)
telephone:+91 4634 252989
adress:4A,Karanthai Asarimar Street, Kallidai Kurichi. Tirunelveli District. Tamil Nadu. India.

We offer a wide variety of Masala Papad/Appalam/Poppadom that are very tasty and ensures quality as well Ensuring delectable taste, these can be made available from us in different variety at cost effective prices. Further, we also take complete care towards its hygienic preparation and only the best ingredients are used in its manufacturing.

Basic Ingredients Used:

Urad Dal
Rice Flour
Black Pepper
Calcium Carbonate
Sodium Chloride (Salt)
Edible Oil
Indian Mixed Spicy Masala
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