bottle gourd
date:Feb 12, 2014
company:Sohum Plantation
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name:kaustubh masurkar(Mr.)
adress:E/63 dharma nagar shivashrusti kurla east
post code:400024

abou bottle gourd/lau/lauki:
This South Asian squash is indeed bottle shaped, light green and long. The flesh inside is spongy and you can also cut it into small pieces and make a curry out of it. Bottle gourd or lauki is over 90% water therefore it is easy to digest.
Ayurvedic health benefits of bottle gourd/lau/ lauki:

Ayurveda recommends cooked lauki or bottle gourd for better digestion. It is cooling, calming, diuretic and anti-bilious.
Like cranberries, bottle gourd or lauki suppo
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