Fruit Crush
date:Dec 03, 2013
Delivery time:15days
company:KMP International
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name:kavita sahane(Ms.)
telephone:+91 022--27802646
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adress:H-45/46,APMC Market ,Vashi Navi Mumbai

Strawberry Crush

WINN's Strwberry syrup is not only tasty and healthy, but versatile. Easy to make, it can be then used for everything from a topping for morning cereal to part of the mix for an evening cocktail. There are slight variations between straberry syrup recipes, but most involve sugar, corn starch or corn syrup and lemon juice. And of course, strawberries.
Packing Available : 12 x 700 ml
12 x 1000 ml
24 x 800 kg
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