Natural, GMO Free, Raw-Unprocessed Honey with Bee Bread
date:Nov 30, 2013
model:400g/14.11oz Glass Jar-5 per box
standard:Odessa, Ukraine-New Jersey USA
company:UA Global Inc
send:click send
name:Charita Shteynberg(Ms.)
mobile:1 201-773-6985
adress:14-24 Abbott Rd, Unit 152
post code:07410

400g/14.11oz Glass Jar-5per box -Honey with Bee Bread:
Bee bread is bee pollen, and is different than plant pollen. Plant pollen has been known to increase reactions to allergies and hay fever, but some believe that bee pollen reduces those symptoms.
It is made up of...
55% carbohydrates
35% proteins
3% minerals and vitamins
2% fatty acids840
5% of various other ingredients
Medicinal aspects:
mixture of flower pollen, honeybee digestive juices, and nectar. Has been used therapeutically for asth
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