Natural, GMO Free, Raw-Unprocessed May(Early Summer) Honey
date:Nov 30, 2013
model:400g/14.11oz Glass Jar-12per box
standard:Odessa, Ukraine-New Jersey USA
company:UA Global Inc
send:click send
name:Charita Shteynberg(Ms.)
mobile:1 201-773-6985
adress:14-24 Abbott Rd, Unit 152
post code:07410

400g/14.11oz Glass Jar-12per box -May Honey also know as Early Spring honey; it is collected by bees from the earliest flowering in May. Therefore, the taste of the honey collected from May blossom of willow, maple, oxalis, bird cherry, strawberry, cherry, currant, Sage, Apple and many other plants has a very floral sweet taste.
Color of May honey can vary, depending on which plants or trees bees collect nectar from, varying from yellow to brown. The initial taste after collecting raw honey in M
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