Frozen Fish
date:Jul 30, 2013
brand:LC, TT
Delivery time:15days
company:Rybhand company
send:click send
name:Rybhand Marketer(Mr.)
telephone:+48 509 393 496
fax: +48 62 747 66 38
adress:Św Ducha 118/120, 63-200 Jarocin POLAND

The key is not to loose nutritious values during technological process. Standard values of attractive product are assured by complying with the client's requirements and modern impingement freezing technology during production stage.

Whole round frozen mackerel
packing: 20 kgs

Frozen HG trout
packing: 2,5 kgs

Ice fish HG
packing: 2,5 kgs, 5 kgs

Hake HG
packing: 9 kgs

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