Salted and Marinated Fish
date:Jul 30, 2013
model:Instant Food
brand:LC, TT
Delivery time:15days
company:Rybhand company
send:click send
name:Rybhand Marketer(Mr.)
telephone:+48 509 393 496
fax: +48 62 747 66 38
adress:Św Ducha 118/120, 63-200 Jarocin POLAND

Salted and Marinated Fish

In that group we recommend the highest quality fish under technological processes of pickling and adding fresh vegetables, spices and aromas. A whole makes unrepeatable composition of taste and aroma. As a supplement we offer salt cured fish called semi-finished products, used for quick preparation of light and tasty dishes according to consumer's innovation.

Salted HG Herring
packing: 1 kg mtv., 4 kgs, 8 kgs

Salted Herring filletsa' la matjes
packing: 0.4 kg, 0,
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