Pure Cow Butter Ghee
date:Jun 12, 2013
model:Cow Butter Ghee
Delivery time:25days
company:PDS Sdn Bhd
send:click send
name:Sam Mason(Mr.)
adress:Sungai Metatau Yok Jalan
post code:90000

Butter Fat 99.5%
Golden Yellow in Color
good,clean aroma
aluminium protective foil

We supply Cow Ghee, derived from Fresh cream of Dairy Cow
Golden Yellow in color.
We are currently exporting Ghee to Gulf, Asian European Countries.
Known for its purity, our Ghee is used for Culinary preparations as well as Pooja.
We supply in Loose Pouch, Tin as well as Bulk Packing of 15 litre.
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06/29 17:36