Natural mineral water KORPI
date:Jun 11, 2013
Delivery time:15days
company:Hellenic Brands
send:click send
name:Catherine Papaioanno(Ms.)
telephone:+30 211 880 3010
mobile:+30 693 61 73 115
adress:P.Ralli 13 & Aristotelous 2, 17778,Tauros Athens,Greece

KORPI is a high-quality natural mineral water, rich in minerals and trace elements.

The area from which the natural mineral water, KORPI, springs has been famous for one hundred years for the unique quality and exceptional purity of its waters, as well as for their healing properties. The area is located in the completely natural environment of the Akarnanika Mountains, protected from pesticides, fertilizers and other substances that may destroy the purity of water
KORPI natural mineral water i
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